Bethany and Joe

Bethany and Joe are hoping to adopt

Hi! We are Joe and Bethany

We love you. Even though we don’t know you yet, we admire and love your heart for putting your child above all else. We love you for who you are as a human being, for where you’ve been in your life, and where you are going. We want to ground everything we say, and more importantly, everything we do, in the love we have for you, your baby, your family, and your culture. If chosen, know we will love your child abundantly and unconditionally. 

Adoption is part of our family story; Joe is adopted and can share the experience of growing up as an adopted child. DNA doesn't make a family - love does! 

We want to have an open, honest, and loving relationship that is focused on your child's best interest.


About Us

We met in high school but didn’t date until our twenties. We knew by our third date that we wanted to get married! We joined the Army together and lived in Georgia, Missouri, New York, Arizona, Tennessee, and even deployed to Afghanistan before deciding to move home to Minnesota. Our life is a growing adventure together! 

Joe's adventurous spirit and Bethany's curious nature have given us a love of sharing experiences, whether it's travel, hiking in the woods near our home, or teaching our children about the joys of everyday living through discovering the world around us. 

Meet Beckett and Ivy!

Beckett is 6 and Ivy is 4. Beckett has a big personality, and a love of leadership. He shines when he gets to be a helper! He loves animals and is empathetic, enjoys math and bike riding, rock climbing, fishing and soccer. 

Ivy is an artist who loves creating things and caring for her baby dolls and stuffies. She is a nurturer at heart and loves the natural world. Ivy is a joyful little soul who cannot wait to be a big sister!


Home sweet home!

Whether we're doing family hikes or bike rides after dinner, discovering outdoor adventures, or having fun baking something together, our family values experiencing life together.

Our home is cozy and filled with natural sunlight!  We live in a spacious, newer home in a subdivision across from dirt roads and farms. Our backyard is fenced in with a small patio and is perfect for toasting marshmallows over a fire. We live within walking distance to a park with a playground. We’re adding a playset to our backyard this year and can’t wait for all the neighborhood kids to come play!

Bethany and Joe hope to adopt

Our Favorite Things

  • Travel, especially exploring the woods in Northern Minnesota and the Lake Superior area

  • Cooking and baking new foods together

  • Hiking wooded trails near our house

  • Family bike rides around our neighborhood

  • Photography and making art projects at home

  • Going to our local library to pick out books and play toys with other kids

  • Splitting and stacking firewood together in the Fall

  • Going to Bethany's Family Cabin

Our Favorite Holiday Traditions

  • Baking 100 year old family cookie recipes at Christmas

  • Watching The Grinch

  • Driving along the Mississippi river towns during peak Autumn colors

  • Family Easter Egg hunts at Joe's family's country home

  • Christmas and Easter Eve Church

  • Big family dinners for birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter

Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.
— St. Catherine of Siena

In Closing

We know our actions speak louder than words, and for this reason we do our best to model God's love by loving one another unconditionally, extending forgiveness, and showing generosity and compassion to others. Adoption is a gift and we promise to cherish and honor you always, leaving a special space for you in our life!

We hope you are being cared for, that your voice is being heard, and that you find deep peace. We love you and are holding you in our hearts as you make a decision. We support whatever decision you make– you know what is best for you and for your child. 

We are so grateful that you already love your baby and are grateful for you for taking the time to read about our family!


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