Hannah and Robby


Hello, beautiful Mama!

It is a such an honor to know you're reading this! You’re already one of the bravest people we know. You’ve decided to make a incredible sacrifice to keep your baby alive and to carry them, and even more so to selflessly consider adoption. We hope you feel a connection through this little online profile in catching a tiny glimpse of our lives and our hearts. If you do, and decide to choose us, we want you to know we will dedicate our lives to loving your child, to seeing him or her fulfill their dreams, and creating a family of love and joy together. Our hearts are full, but in the way of something waiting and ready to overflow—with so much love reserved for your baby. 

We want you to know that if you choose us, we are promising a life and home filled with deep love, connection, and gratitude. We welcome relationship with you and know that it will be the very best and healthiest for your child to have an ongoing relationship with you. We look forward to having conversations with you and getting to hear your heart for what this would look like, and continuing to grow together.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read our little story. We can’t wait for our turn to get to hear about YOU. Our family is not complete without you and your child in it.


Our Story

We met by a crazy coincidence (as usually happens!) when I (Hannah) checked a dating app called "Coffee Meets Bagel" after months of swearing off relationships. A message from Robby was about to expire, but I caught it just in time! A quick note from him saying, "I can talk nerdy and Jesus" and a photo with him and Gandalf was all it took for me to quickly write him back. 

We dated for six months, and then, being the nerds we are, I (Robby) proposed on May the 4th, Star Wars Day! We've enjoyed a blessed nearly four years of marriage now, and were even more blessed (and surprised) by the arrival of our precious honeymoon baby, Ayla! We can't believe she's almost 3 now! A precocious, empathetic, and adorable redhead, Ayla loves babies more than anything and can't wait to be a big sister. Watching her grow and learn and play brings us the greatest delight, and we love seeing her character grow and mature every day. 

We feel grateful every day for the gift of each other, for our deep friendship and connection and a marriage built on mutual trust and respect, and for the way both of us love Jesus with all our hearts. And we certainly enjoy laughing and find one another hilarious. One of my (Hannah's) favorite things is to come to bed at night to find Robby crying with laughter over some dumb reel. On any given day, you can find us having deep talks over coffee, going for nature walks, playing Dungeons and Dragons, reading or watching or obsessing over our favorite nerdy fandoms, cooking from scratch, playing with our cats, and always choosing family time with our daughter above everything.


Home sweet home!

A small, rural city in northern California, we love being surrounded by lakes, rivers, and forests, with the coast not too far a drive away! Though on the smaller side, one of our favorite things about where we live is the cultural diversity. Our home church has an enormous ministry school where people from all over the world come, bringing their culture and language with them, and are deeply honored by our church. On top of the ethnic diversity, our church and community is also very adoption-friendly, with many families (including friends of ours) adopting.

Though we are both originally from the Bay Area of California, we wanted a slower-paced lifestyle, a close, supportive community, and a rural setting, so we moved here two years ago, along with my (Hannah's) parents. We couldn't imagine life without them, and see them almost every day. Ayla loves them and loves their house, with their huge yard and countless toys and fun things for little kids. They're by far our greatest support system, and are so excited tone welcoming a new baby through adoption to the family as well.

We celebrate big in our family! One of our favorite things to do is to take even small, unimportant holidays and make them super special, frequently adding new family "traditions," as well as incorporating ones from our childhoods. Some of our favorites are our big St. Patrick's Day tea party, our Easter Egg tree, a huge Halloween carnival and costume contest, and making a spectacular, themed event out of every birthday, of course!


Fun Facts

Hannah’s Favorite Things

  • Being a stay-at-home mom and spending quality time with my daughter and husband.

  • Learning to live more holistically and homestead--slowly :)

  • All my favorite nerdy fandoms, such as Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Hunger Games, and D&D.

  • Writing my own young adult fantasy novels!

  • Cats, tea, summer, and holidays.

Robby’s Favorite Things

  • My nerdy hobbies like D&D, fantasy books, dice collection, and 3D printing models.

  • Emotional health, counseling, and therapy--I actually like reading these types of books!

  • Learning how to be more of a kid again with my daughter.

  • Cooking and baking; I do love me some sourdough and bacon.

  • My wife's hilarious story telling!

Things We Will Teach Your Child

  • That they are unconditionally loved by us and by Jesus.

  • That YOU are always a part of their story and ours.

  • About their heritage, traditions, and culture.

  • That their voice matters, that they will always be heard, that their feelings are valid, that they are worthy of safety, connection, nurture, and comfort. 

  • To live life to the fullest and go after their dreams, with our full support. 

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
— J.R.R. Tolkien

Thank you!

Thank you with all our hearts for taking the time to read our online profile and consider us as the future family for your precious child. It will be our greatest honor if you decide to choose us. Your act of love moves us and will be a story that is always spoken about in our home with all of our children. We will always share how your decision was made out of that love and wanting the very best for your child. You will always be a part of our story and our family, and we welcome a relationship with you.

Thank you for your brave and selfless choice for your child. If you choose us, we promise to give your child a loving, nurturing, connected, joyful, fun, nerdy and slightly silly family. We pray the greatest comfort and blessings over you. Our family can’t wait for its new chapter, the one with the priceless pieces we have been missing.


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