Rachel and Dan


Hello! We are Rachel and Dan

Thank you for considering us as potential parents for your precious child. We are filled with hope and gratitude for the possibility of welcoming a new member into our family. 

We want to express our admiration for your strength and courage in considering adoption. Your love for your child is evident, and we respect and honor the choice you are making. We believe every child deserves a safe, nurturing, and loving environment to grow and thrive, and we are committed to providing that for your little one.


Our Story

We met heading into our sophomore year of college. Dan went to Milwaukee School of Engineering, and Rachel attended Marquette University. We became quick friends and eventually started dating. We dated from 2011 until 2016 when Dan proposed. We were married in October of 2017, surrounded by friends and family. Dan works as a systems integration engineer, and Rachel is a technical writer.

We both come from loving families and have siblings, which is something we want our children to have too. We have always known we wanted to grow our family through adoption and are excited to add a new member to our pack! Our son Laika was adopted in 2022 and will make a great big brother. We love our family and know we have plenty of love and room for more! 


Home sweet home!

We inherited our home from Dan's grandfather. Dan's grandparents chose this community and built their home in 1972. We were honored to inherit the house and love the community for the same reasons his grandparents decided to raise a family here. 

Our community is very diverse. Rachel coaches volleyball at the local high school and we are both very involved with village events. Our home is on a quiet street with many new families and kids. We have an in-ground pool and plenty of grass to run and play. We are close with their neighbors and are proud to call our community home. 

We have an incredible community including both of our families and a great friend group. We do everything with our family and friends, from traveling to charity events to checking out local festivals. Our family and friends will go the extra mile for each other and are willing to drop everything to help each other out. 


Meet Rachel!

Interesting Facts:

  • Avid reader

  • Coaches and plays volleyball

  • Loves travel, sports, and going on family walks and bike rides

  • Competitive yet empathetic, and hard working. 

  • Owns her own technical writing business

Meet Dan!

Interesting Facts:

  • Studied abroad in Prague and has been to Europe three times

  • Loves to do house projects, go on family bike rides, and cook and bake

  • Avid bicyclist 

  • Patient, kind, and loving

  • Works for the family business which was started nearly 100 years ago

Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.
— Stitch

Thank you!

Our values are deeply rooted in family, love, kindness, and hard work. We believe in building strong connections with those around us and supporting one another through life's challenges and triumphs. Our home is filled with laughter, warmth, and unconditional love, and we are committed to providing a nurturing and supportive environment for your child to flourish.

We understand that the journey ahead may be filled with uncertainties, but please know that we are here to walk alongside you every step of the way. 


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